Click here to join the waitlist for the AM360 Bootcamp, taking place in February 2025


Click here to join the waitlist for the AM360 Bootcamp, taking place in February 2025 >>>

Are you following a proven roadmap to win
more of the clients and projects you love?

Or do your marketing efforts fail to produce your desired results?

There are plenty of reasons why architects are not naturally great marketers…

Marketing and business development are not taught at uni, and there is little CPD to guide you. Putting yourself out there and touting for new work can feel uncomfortable; some architects would rather let their work speak for itself.

Even if you are interested in learning more, it can be hard to piece together all the moving parts of modern marketing, which leads to overwhelm.

You’re probably too busy working on client projects to learn these new skills, or to implement consistent marketing activities….

That’s why you need a new client pipeline,
designed specifically for architects

Because great architecture marketing isn’t just about enhancing your reputation or becoming more visible in the media. It certainly helps to be seen as a trusted authority or an expert in your field, but great marketing should do much more than that.

Great marketing should generate a reliable pipeline of new clients and projects - the ones that you love to work with and on - so that your business is successful, sustainable and profitable for the long term.

Because when you have a constant and reliable new project pipeline, you can afford to say “no” to projects that don’t suit you, and become more discerning about the work you choose to accept This in turn re-ignites your creativity, leading to enhanced wellbeing and positive cultural impacts, and these ripple out across the profession and beyond…

And that’s why we developed the Six Channel System for architects, packaged it up into a CPD course, and added our tried-and-tested Pipeline Roadmap.

The newly upgrade course contains everything you need - including a comprehensive implementation plan that outlines all of the key messaging, content, channels and platforms - that will guide your future clients from stranger to prospect to ambassador for your practice, across every stage of their Customer Journey…

Sounds great… how do we get our
hands on this new Pipeline Roadmap?

Sounds Like Design’s Architecture Marketing 360 CPD Course sets out an easy-to-follow marketing system that culminates in the new Pipeline Roadmap (found in the implementation plan), so that you can:

  • get clear on your highest priority future ideal clients - the ones whose projects light up your creativity and problem-solving smarts; stoke your practice’s economic engine; and tap into your brilliance and expertise;

  • identify what sets you apart from your competitors (both architects and others)

  • create appealing and compelling key messaging to help you connect - and build trust and engagement - with your future ideal clients; and

  • distribute that targeted messaging across the most suitable channels and platforms at every point in the customer journey, to convert strangers into prospects into leads into clients, using the most cost-effective tried-and-test methods.

Or scroll down to see what’s inside, including an outline of what you’ll find in all 10 modules, a video tour of the online platform, the CPD learning outcomes, Rachael’s credentials to teach this course, a sample from Module 1, and an extract from the CPD workbooks.

What’s inside the AM360 CPD course?

Architecture Marketing 360 is now offered as an online, on-demand, self-guided program so you can get started as soon as you enrol and complete the course in your own timeframe. It’s the only course of its type in Australia; it was designed specifically for architects to distil and convey the most important tenets of business development and marketing in the easiest and fastest way possible. You can take a tour of the course modules in the 12-minute video below.

CPD Learning outcomes and credentials

In Australia, you’ll earn 6 Formal CPD points, and at the end of the course, you’ll have all the knowledge you need to positively transform your practice: to raise awareness of your services and generate new project leads. You can find out more about the CPD Learning Outcomes here and view Rachael's credentials to teach the course here.

Course modules

The course is delivered via an online learning system, and it contains 10 module, including: 

Before we Begin – set up your Google Analytics (GA4) and Marketing Metrics tracking spreadsheet, and capture benchmark data so you can monitor your performance and progress as you implement what you learn in the course;

Day 1: Determine your ICA (Ideal Client Avatar) and Marketing Budget – who are you appealing to, and what’s a reasonable budget to spend on marketing your practice? 

Day 2: Identify your USP (Unique Selling Proposition) – what sets your practice apart from competitors and other design services operating in the market sectors you serve?
Day 3: Referrals – how you can collect client feedback and use it to appeal to future clients? 

Day 4: Email Marketing – why you need to grow your list and use it to build knowledge, likeability and trust with your target audience? 

Day 5: Social Media – how to use the right social media platforms to reach your ideal clients and raise awareness of your offering, so you can direct traffic to your website; 

Day 6: Publishing – how to strategically position stories about your practice, projects and expertise, to speak to the concerns and issues of your potential clients; 

Day 7: Awards – unlock the value of your awards investment by carefully choosing which programs to enter, and preparing entry text that appeals to three key audiences, then, easily repurpose that content into marketing materials for your other channels, later on;

Day 8: Website – the five channels listed above should all invite your potential ideal clients to visit your website, where you can continue the conversation and convert them into clients; 

Day 9: Implementation plan – now that you understand how the Six Channels work in concert to help you win more clients and projects that you love, unlock your Pipeline Roadmap to kick-start your implementation.

What’s inside each module?

The 8 core modules contain:

  • A training video, ranging in length from 10 to 40 minutes - see below for a sample from Day 1;

  • Video transcripts that you can refer to and search for key concepts and ideas;

  • Powerpoint slides to download and refer to later; and

  • Other resources including relevant blog posts from Sounds Like Design, and links to books and articles from other marketing experts.

The modules are arranged in sequential order, and you have to mark each one complete to unlock the next one.

Course Workbooks

The course also contains 10 Workbooks to guide your implementation plan and these double as your CPD tasks.

You can download a sample Workbook - to accompany the sample video above - by clicking on the workbook image:

Get your questions answered inside the course

There are three ways to get more information or ask for clarity from Rachael:

  1. Join the private Facebook group where current and past participants share their insights;

  2. In the modules you can seek help privately (via the Quiz boxes) or publicly (via the Comment fields), where you can share insights for all participants to see and contribute to discussions.

  3. Come to our monthly Zoom Q&A meetings - held on the third Friday afternoon of every month - to ask questions, test implementation ideas, report your progress and wins, and share your experiences with other participants and alumni.

Do the course with a group of colleagues or friends

Some architecture practice owners are putting several team members through this CPD course - to build knowledge and capacity across their businesses - so they can delegate now and succession plan later.

Or maybe you’d like to complete the course with a friend, so you have an accountability buddy to keep you on track and discuss and apply your new knowledge with.

Either way, you can take advantage of the following group enrolment discounts:

  • For two people – 20% off both enrolments using the coupon TWO20 – via this link (book separately to get your individual logins)

  • For 3 or more people - 30% off each enrolment using the coupon THREE30 – via this link (book separately to get your individual logins)

“No other CPD course has been quite like Rachael’s Architecture Marketing 360 course.  Beyond an in-depth insight into the technicalities of architectural marketing, this course asks participants to identify and rethink the principles of their current marketing position and strategies, and experiment with new channels. Rachael’s course is results-focussed, with outcomes directly applied to one’s own practice.”

Angela Rheinlaender,
Studio 203

“I feel better prepared now, knowing it’s an ongoing thing, not an overnight thing.
I recommend the course to other architects because I realise now that it’s probably better to get a professional to handle marketing, because many of us practitioners are not in the league of others who have an SEO manager, and publicists, in all reality.”

Christopher Hewson,
Architect Hewson

“Now I feel like I know what to do next, to ramp it up. It’s trial and error, but at least I’m moving in the right direction. I thought the course contained lots of great info and access to Rachael to ask questions. I’d recommend it to other architects because you don’t know what you don’t know.
And we need to know how to communicate our value, not take it for granted (because no one else does).

Sarah Hobday-North,
Architect GP and Value Architects Group

What are the benefits of doing this course?

The AM360 course is online so you can attend from anywhere and work through the self-guided program at your own pace. It’s delivered via an online learning platform with emails, videos, Q&A sessions and a private Facebook Group, so you can ask questions and obtain support from archi-marketing expert Rachael Bernstone.

You’ll also receive practical workbooks and easy-to-follow instructions, to fast-track your implementation.

In Australia, you’ll earn 6 Formal CPD points, and at the end of the course, you’ll have all the knowledge you need to positively transform your practice: to raise awareness of your services and generate new leads and win more clients and projects.

Click here to view the Learning Outcomes for this course, and here to read Rachael’s credentials to teach it.

Once you’ve implemented this system by following the new Pipeline Roadmap, you can track your progress and performance using data and analytics. These insights will enable you to make informed decisions about your future marketing activities - based on what you know is working! - to maximise your return on investment and continuously improve your new client pipeline

If you don’t yet fully understand the tenets of modern marketing and how they apply to architects - but you want to build a pipeline of enjoyable and profitable projects - this course is for you.